2025 MIPS Step-by-Step Guide
This guide provides a high-level overview and examples of calculations for the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) performance categories of Quality (30 final MIPS points), Promoting Interoperability (25 final MIPS points), Improvement Activities (15 final MIPS points), and Cost (30 final MIPS points). The Cost category does not require data submission and is scored through claims submitted to Medicare. Below are details on calculating, collecting, and reporting each MIPS performance category with links to additional information. Calculating performance category points will vary on the participation level and collection type chosen by the physician. Also, Special Status is automatically assigned by CMS and may affect your reporting requirements. Small practices have Special Status and are eligible for special considerations. For more specific details, visit QPP’s Resource Library.
Traditional MIPS and MVP Performance Category Weights

Small Practice Traditional MIPS and MVP Performance Category Weights

A maximum of 100 final MIPS score can be earned by achieving the full points in each category.

Using a composite performance score, eligible clinicians (ECs) may receive a payment bonus, a payment penalty or no payment adjustment. Eligible Clinicians (EC) will need to earn enough points in each category to achieve a total MIPS score greater than or equal to 75 points to avoid a 9% payment reduction/penalty in the payment year's Part B reimbursements. Any MIPS score over 75 points could result in an incentive payment by increasing the payment year's Part B reimbursements. The percentage increase available is dependent on several scaling factors (not to exceed 3.0) to ensure that the adjustments are budget neutral. For more information about the MIPS program and steps on getting started please review our MIPS page.
Payment Adjustments

Quality Step-by-Step Guide (select applicable year, then click on the Guide's link at bottom of page)
The Quality category accounts for 30 final MIPS points out of the possible 100 final MIPS score. This category requires data reporting for a full calendar year on at least 6 selected measures (including one outcome measure or high priority measure in the absence of an applicable outcome measure), or a complete specialty measure set. To achieve data completeness, you must identify the eligible population (denominator) as outlined in the measure’s specification and must report performance data (met or not met, numerator exclusions, or denominator exceptions) for at least 75% of the denominator eligible cases (excluding denominator exclusions).
Each measure is worth up to 10 points (allowing for a maximum of 60 available points), and depending on performance physicians/practices will receive between 0 and 10 points per measure. Up to 10 additional percentage points are available based on a physicians’ improvement in their quality performance category from the previous year. If CMS can’t compare data between 2 performance periods, or there is no improvement, the improvement score will be 0%. The improvement score can’t be negative. Additionally, for small practices 6 bonus points will be added to the quality performance category score when at least one quality measure is submitted. They will also continue to receive 3 points (instead of zero) for quality measures that don’t meet data completeness or case minimum requirements, or that can’t be reliably scored against a benchmark.

Example (does not consider any possible bonus points or improvement scoring practices could achieve such as the small practice bonus and others offered within MIPS):
Dr. Smith reported on 6 quality measures. On three of her measures, she received the full 10 measure points, but on the other three she was only able to achieve 8 measure points each. Since three of the measures submitted were new measures for the performance year, they will earn 7-10 points if a performance benchmark can be created, and data completeness and case minimum criteria is met.
(10 points x 3 measures) + (8 points x 3 measures) = 54 category points
54 category points ÷ 60 category measure points possible = .90 or 90%
Because Dr. Smith achieved 90% of her category measure points, she can apply 90% of the 30 final MIPS Quality points available to her final MIPS score:
30 final MIPS Quality points x .90 or 90% = 27 final MIPS points
Dr. Smith’s FINAL MIPS Quality score is 27 points, which will be counted towards her final MIPS score. This point total is less than the 75 MIPS points benchmark, therefore Dr. Smith will have to participate in other categories to potentially receive an incentive payment for achieving > 75 MIPS points, or to avoid a penalty in the subsequent payment year.

The PI category accounts for 25 final MIPS points out of the possible 100 final MIPS score. This category now requires a performance period of at least 180 consecutive days in the performance year. Total available category points are 115 with a capped category score of 100 possible measure points (no less than 100 points in the denominator when scored).
The PI category requires the use an Electronic Health Record (EHR) that meets the certification criteria at 45 CFR 170.315 for participation in this performance category to align with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)’s current and future regulation. Participants must submit collected data for certain required measures (5 to 6 required measures) from each of the 4 objectives measures (unless an exclusion is claimed).
In addition to submitting measures, clinicians must provide their EHR’s CMS Identification Code from the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) and submit a ”yes” to:
- The Actions to Limit or Restrict Compatibility or Interoperability of CEHRT (previously named the Prevention of Information Blocking) Attestation.
- The ONC Direct Review Attestation (this is an optional attestation, you may attest “yes” or “no”).
- The Security Risk Analysis Measure.
- The Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides Measure.
- ONC-Authorized Certification Bodies (ACB) Surveillance Attestation (optional).
You can earn 5 bonus points for submitting a “yes” response for one of the optional Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange measures (Public Health Registry Reporting, Clinical Data Registry Reporting, or Syndromic Surveillance Reporting). You’ll be awarded full points if a “yes” is submitted for the 2 required measures (Immunization Registry Reporting and Electronic Case Reporting) or one “yes” and one exclusion. You’re also required to submit your level of active engagement for these 2 measures.
You will receive 0 points in the PI performance category if you fail to submit a required attestation, report nothing in the numerator on a required measure, or claim an exclusion for a required measure.
Small practices qualify for automatic reweighting of the Promoting Interoperability performance category to 0%. The performance category weight will be redistributed to other performance categories unless you choose to submit Promoting Interoperability data, and you also qualify for a different redistribution policy when the Promoting Interoperability performance category is reweighted.

Dr. Smith’s EHR is ONC certified. After completing all the required PI measures Dr. Smith achieves 80 category points (we use 100 category points possible for this calculation rather than the total possible of 115 because this category is capped at 100 points).
80 category points ÷ 100 category points possible = .8 or 80%
Because Dr. Smith achieved 80% of her category points, she can apply 80% of the 25 final MIPS PI points available to her final MIPS score.
25 final MIPS ACI points x .80 or 80% = 20 final MIPS points
Dr. Smith’s final MIPS PI score is 20 points, which will be counted towards her final MIPS score. This point total does not meet the 75 MIPS points benchmark; therefore Dr. Smith will have to participate in other categories to potentially receive an incentive payment for achieving > 75 MIPS points, or to avoid a penalty in the subsequent payment year.

The IA category accounts for 15 final MIPS points out of the possible 100 final MIPS score. This category requires each activity selected to be implemented within your practice for at least 90 consecutive days unless otherwise stated in the activity description. This category is attestation based, which means only a “yes” or “no” statement is required for each activity completed when the reporting period begins. No documentation is required to be submitted but it is important to keep record of the activity completion in case of an audit by CMS.
Beginning in the 2025 performance period, improvement activities won’t be weighted.
Small practices with Special Status only need to perform and attest (submit a “yes”) to one improvement activity, whether reporting traditional MIPS or a MIPS Value Pathway. All other clinicians, groups, and virtual groups must attest (submit a “yes”) to 2 activities.

Dr. Smith (small practice with Special Status) has attested to 1 activity .
1 activity = 40 category points
40 category points ÷ 40 category points possible = 1 or 100%
Because Dr. Smith achieved 100% of her category points, she can apply 100% of the 15 final MIPS IA points available to her final MIPS score:
15 final MIPS IA points available x 1 = 15 points
Dr. Smith’s final MIPS IA score is 15 points, which will be counted towards her final MIPS score.
Larger practices (greater than 15 clinicians) will be required to attest to 2 activities to achieve a full 40 category points (following the standard scoring) to obtain their 15 final MIPS points.
Cost Point Calculation (select applicable year, then click on the Guide's link at bottom of page)
This category accounts for 30% of the MIPS final score. Claims data is used to calculate cost measure performance, which means clinicians and groups don’t have to submit any data for this performance category. Total number of category points available in the Cost category is determined by which measures apply to your practice. Measure achievement points are determined by comparing performance on a measure to a performance period benchmark. Cost measure benchmarks are calculated using performance data from the performance period, rather than historical data. If you don't meet the established case minimum for any of the available cost measures, the cost performance category will receive zero weight when calculating your final score and the 30% will be distributed to another performance category (or categories). Cost Improvement Scoring (1%) will also be calculated and apply if CMS can compare data between 2 performance periods.

Dr. Smith was informed by CMS that she was only eligible for 8 out of the 25 available measures, therefore, she will be scored only on the measures that met the case minimum. She received 10 points on all 8 measures she was scored on.
Total Available Measure Achievement Points = (8 measures x 10 measure points)
= 80 category points possible
Total Achievement Points Earned for Scored Measures = 80 Category points scored / 80 Category points possible
= 1 or 100%
Although there are 25 total measures, Dr. Smith was only eligible for 8 measures so she will only be scored on those that she is eligible for, bringing her total max category points to 80 rather than 100.
Because Dr. Smith (and her practice) achieved 100% of her category points, she can apply 100% of the 30 final MIPS Cost points available to her final MIPS score:
30 final MIPS Cost points available x 1 = 30 points

Total points and final MIPS score for Dr. Smith
With a final MIPS score of 92 out of a possible 100, Dr. Smith will avoid a 9% penalty to her Medicare Part B reimbursement for the payment year and will most likely receive an incentive payment as well.
Final MIPS Quality Score = 27
Final MIPS PI Score = 20
Final MIPS IA Score = 15
Final MIPS Cost Score = 30
= Total Final MIPS Score = 92