HCMS is proud to present the following candidates for 2021 TMA Elective Offices

Kimberly E. Monday, MD

Board of Trustees

The Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) is proud to nominate Kimberly E. Monday, MD, as a candidate for the Texas Medical Association Board of Trustees.

Dr. Monday is board certified in neurology, clinical neurophysiology, and sleep medicine and is the co-founder of the Houston Neurological Institute.

Through her strong commitment to advocacy she has charted a career path that typifies what it means to be a physician leader. Only seven years after starting her practice she was elected president of her HCMS local branch society. She went on to win election to the HCMS Board of Medical Legislation, which she chaired in 2009. Two years later she was elected to the HCMS Executive Board and was elected president of the society in 2015.

An active member of TMA since 1997, Dr. Monday has served on the TMA Council on Socioeconomics and currently on the TMA Council on Legislation and the Prior Authorization Task Force.

In her effort to understand and positively affect the changing health care environment, Dr. Monday also accepted leadership positions outside of organized medicine. She chaired the bioethics and clinical ethics committees of three different Houston hospitals. She also currently serves on Memorial Hermann Physician Network Board of Directors.

Her leadership extends also to the community at large. Dr. Monday currently serves as the vice chair of the Harris Health Care System Board of Trustees.

Dr. Monday’s work has broadened her understanding of the issues that affect physicians and patients to include the context of the entire health care system. She can draw on her personal experience with the burdens placed upon physicians by bureaucrats. Her knowledge of the myriad socioeconomic and legislative topics with which she has worked over the last 15 years also gives her an understanding of the problems of both urban and rural physicians. But Dr. Monday also brings a deep understanding of the workings of hospitals – from large systems to small community hospitals. Finally, she can relate all these issues in the context of the medical safety net provided by a county hospital district that cares for the indigent.

Dr. Monday is ideally suited for the TMA Board of Trustees. She has immersed herself in the issues that are critically important to physicians and has demonstrated a commitment to lead that will serve TMA well.


“Physicians are at a crossroads in our profession. We must decide if we are going to lead in health care or if we are going to succumb to those who value revenue over patient care. Every day we are taken advantage of by those whose only concern is the bottom line and then we are blamed for all the problems in health care. That must end. We owe it to ourselves and our patients to regain the status as the leaders of health care. As a member of the TMA Board of Trustees, I pledge to work toward that goal every day. I ask for your support.”


Name: Kimberly E. Monday, MD

Specialty: Neurology

Medical School (with year graduated):
  • Baylor College of Medicine, 1992
  • Baylor College of Medicine Transitional Internship, 1993 

Residency Program: Baylor College of Medicine Department of Adult Neurology

Board Certifications: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology: Adult Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, Sleep Medicine

Primary Residence: Houston, Texas

Practice Type/Employment Status: Academic – Direct Patient Care: large group practice (more than 20 members), 50% Academic, 50%

Primary Practice/Employment Location: McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Houston

Do you expect to maintain your current employment status and location through your term in office? Yes

Does your current employment situation require you to work outside of Texas? No

Including the past five years, list all other organizations from which you have received payment, reimbursement, or financial consideration for consulting, advisory, or leadership responsibilities exceeding $1,000 per year in excess of actual expenses: Memorial Hermann Hospital System

Have you been convicted of a felony or is your medical license restricted? No

What TMA positions have you held?
  • Council on Legislation, 2018-present
  • Prior Authorization Task Force, 2019-present
  • Delegate, 2004-05; 2010-present
  • Council on Socioeconomics, 2014-18
  • Medical Education Workgroup, Maintenance of Certification Reform, 2016-17
  • Task Force on Behavioral Health, 2014-16
  • Chair, TEXPAC District 11, 2015
  • Committee on Continuing Medical Education, 2009-12


  • Houston Neurological Institute: Single Specialty Group Medical Practice
  • Class A Share Owner CHI Patient’s Medical Center Pasadena Texas
  • Harris County Hospital District
  • Neuroscience Service Line Medical Director
  • Memorial Hermann Health Care System Memorial Hermann Physician Network
  • Vice Chair Clinical Operations, Department of Neurology, UT McGovern Medical School Houston
  • Texas Neurological Society

Eddie L. Patton Jr., MD

AMA Alternate Delegate

The Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) is honored to nominate Eddie L. Patton Jr., MD, MBA, as a candidate for alternate delegate to the American Medical Association.

Dr. Patton is a board-certified neurologist with additional training and expertise in neuro muscular disorders. He received his medical degree from Wayne State University and completed his residency and a fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine. He then went on to obtain an MBA from the Jones School of Business at Rice University. He has been a private practicing neurologist in Houston since 2011.

Dr. Patton has a firm grasp on the importance of public policy and how it affects the practice of medicine. He chose to be a physician leader from the beginning. At the same time as he began his practice in 2011, he ran for, and won, an officer position in his HCMS branch organization, ultimately serving as branch president in 2014-15. He is a 2014 graduate of the TMA Leadership College and a 2016 graduate of the American Academy of Neurology’s (AAN) Emerging Leaders Forum. 

Dr. Patton is well-versed in the intricacies and issues of state and federal government. He is currently a member of the HCMS Board of Medical Legislation and in 2018 was appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott to the Texas Council on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. He was elected in 2019 to serve as vice chair of this council. From 2015-18, he has chaired the Federal Advocacy Work Group of the AAN. As chair, Dr. Patton is responsible for aiding in the creation and execution of the federal advocacy agenda for the AAN. He has been a part of lobbying campaigns on numerous occasions both federally with Neurology on the Hill, sponsored by the AAN, and here in Texas through TMA’s First Tuesdays at the Capitol.

If elected, Texas physicians will be well represented by an established leader with wide ranging public policy experience and with the youthful exuberance to be a leader in the AMA for years to come.


“There is no doubt that public policy decisions made in Washington, D.C., exert tremendous influence on our practices and on the lives of our patients. Conversely, Texas physicians have a proud history of exerting as much influence as we can back on the policy-making process. I believe the AMA would benefit from that spirit of Texas advocacy. It is time that MD’s take a more prominent position in guiding changes in health care. My education and experiences give me a unique view of all aspects of health care policy including the impact on physicians, patients, and the economy. I want to see the AMA take a more forceful role in health care policy development and implementation in Washington just like TMA has done so effectively in Texas. And I want to be a part of the Texas delegation that leads the AMA to the position of influence it should hold.”


Name: Eddie L. Patton Jr., MD, MBA

Specialty: Medical School and Post Graduate Education (with years)
  • Wayne State University School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, 2005
  • Rice University Jones School of Business, Master of Business Administration, 2018
  • Alabama State University, Master of Science, 2001
Residency Programs:
  • Baylor College of Medicine, 2006-09
  • Neuro muscular Fellowship, Baylor College of Medicine, 2009-11

Board Certification(s): American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Primary Residence: Sugar Land, Texas

What is your current practice status? Direct Patient Care: large group practice (more than 20 members), 100%

Primary Employer and Employment Location: University of Texas Department of Neurosciences, Houston, Texas

Do you expect to maintain your current employment status and location through your term in office? Yes

Does your current employment situation(s) require you to work outside of Texas? No

Including the past five years, list all other organizations from which you have received payment, reimbursement, or financial consideration for consulting, advisory, or leadership responsibilities exceeding $1,000 per year in excess of actual expenses.
  • Alexion – Speakers Bureau
  • Biogen – Speakers Bureau

Have you been convicted of a felony or is your medical license restricted? No

What TMA positions have you held?
  • TMA Leadership College, class of 2014
  • Socioeconomics Reference Committee