Physician BUZZ Advertising

Reach more than 9,500 physicians monthly!

The Physician BUZZ is a monthly e-news publication that comes out the first Sunday of each month, with a circulation of more than 9,500 HCMS members. It informs our physician members on important issues, benefits and services provided by HCMS. View our latest issue in our Physician BUZZ library.

Ad Submission
  • Submit a completed Physician BUZZ contract form,  along with your ad copy. Email to
  • The entry deadline is 10 business days prior to the publication date. Ads are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. 
Ad Policy
  • Ad contracts must be paid in full prior to publication, and are non-refundable.
  • All advertising is subject to acceptance by the publisher. Publication is not an endorsement or approval by HCMS of the product/service involved.
Ad Specifications
  • 300 pixels wide x 100 pixels high
  • RGB full color
  • 300 dpi resolution
  • JPEG or PNG file format
Ad Rates
  • $360 per issue. Volume discounts are available. Call to inquire.
Click for the contract.
For more information contact Ahuva Terk at 713-524-4267, ext. 329 or