Texas Medical Center (TMC) Library

Access to TMC Library Electronic Resources

The Houston Academy of Medicine (HAM) has arranged for Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) members to have access to the TMC Library Electronic Resources to supplement the resources from our specialty societies. Access will be limited to fifty articles per year. Members will be charged $25 per article above fifty. To sign up for the electronic service, please email your request to webadmin@hcms.org.

Get your TMC Library Card for Document Delivery and InterLibrary Loan Services

The TMC Library is pleased to announce that HCMS members are now eligible for their Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan (DD/ILL) services. The service allows members to have items available at the TMC Library scanned and delivered electronically. The service also allows members to obtain items not available at the TMC Library by having library staff request them from other libraries. These items include, but are not limited to, journal articles, books and conference proceedings. Requested items can be mailed, emailed or faxed.

As of March 15, 2021, a single user is entitled to a maximum of 15 free requests per calendar year. Further requests will be filled @ $15.00 each until year's end.

STEP 1: Get your Library Card. 
If you already have a TMC library card, please proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, click here for the registration page  Use "HCMS" as your department. For additional assistance, contact Debbi Eschenbach at 713-524-4267, ext 245, or debbi_eschenbach@hcms.org

STEP 2: Register for the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Services.
Once you complete your registration, you will receive your library card number. The next step is to register for the Document Delivery services. Click on the "First Time User" button at the bottom of the page, and this will take you to the registration form. Select "Harris County Medical Society" as your "Institution" on the registration form.

Once you have registered, you can begin to use these services. Choose an option from the list on the left side of the screen. You may request a photocopy of items in the TMC Library or choose an interlibrary loan, then submit the request. You will receive an email once the article is available to view or download. Then login with your username and password that you created when you registered. You may then retrieve your account.

More About the DD/ILL Program

What are Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan Services?

Document Delivery Service (DDS) provides you with fast delivery of copied articles, book excerpts or other documents from our existing collections. Such items can normally be scanned and sent to you electronically or mailed, or printed out for pick up from the Circulation desk. However, historical materials are handled only on a case-by-case basis which means they may not always be available for DDS due to possible damage in handling.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service is the result of our participation in a national network of libraries that makes it possible to deliver resources not found in our own collections. Libraries all over the country cooperate to borrow and lend from each other on their users' behalf.

Who may use the Document Delivery/ILL Services?

All cardholders are welcome to use these services. Texas Medical Center users must supply an email address from a TMC institution with which they are affiliated, and must also have been issued a Library Card number by The TMC Library. For non-cardholders, only non-returnable items (like copied articles and book excerpts) may be requested.

How can I make a request?

All users should place their requests using our ILLiad Request System .

How long will it take?

Document Delivery of items that are located within the TMC library can be delivered to you much more quickly, usually within 24 hours.

Interlibrary Loans normally take 3-5 days to fulfill depending on where your items are located. At your request, we'll provide an expedited service of Same-Day RUSH for an additional fee.

How will I receive my documents?

Several delivery options are available:

  • Pick-up: You can pick your items up at the Circulation Desk
  • Web Delivery: Your documents can be scanned and posted to a secure website for download or printing
  • Mail: We can send the items to you via the US Postal Service
  • Fax: We can fax documents to you (an additional fee may apply for long-distance faxes)

An Important Note about Copyright:

Most publications you will obtain are copyright-restricted. The TMC Library abides by the provisions of U.S. Copyright Law. Your Interlibrary Loan Registration Form includes a copyright statement, as will any materials delivered to you. Read the terms carefully and observe the law.

Contact Us
Customer Service Contact: Alisa Hemphill
Phone: 713-799-7105
Fax: 713-799-7180
Email: PCILL@exch.library.tmc.edu
Address: TMC library PC/ILL Department, 1133 John Freeman Blvd Houston, TX 77030