Houston Academy of Medicine

The Houston Academy of Medicine (HAM) was established in February of 1915 as the scientific and charitable 501(c)(3) organization for the physicians who make up the HCMS membership. (All active physician members of HCMS are also members of HAM.) Its mission is to support community service, education, scientific, and charitable programs for physicians, their patients, and their communities. Shortly after its creation, HAM established The Texas Medical Center (TMC) Library.

In 1949, the HAM Library moved to the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and merged its collection with the Baylor College of Medicine Library, establishing the HAM-TMC Library. In 1954, the library moved to the Jesse H. Jones Building and by 1975 it nearly tripled in size making it the largest medical library in the nation’s southwest. Today, the TMC Library is the fundamental starting point to access information resources, whether in print or digital format. It is a trusted resource that teaches tools and techniques to sort through the millions of publications printed each year to find just the right ones that facilitate and support health sciences research, medical education, and patient care. As one of the 54 institutions that make up TMC, the library is unique to medical and research libraries across the country, as it is a private, stand-alone, nonprofit organization independent from any university or research institution.

HAM Projects

 John P. McGovern Compleat Physician Award -- Established in 1993, the John P. McGovern Compleat Physician Award is presented annually by the Houston Academy of Medicine (HAM) and HCMS, to recognize a physician whose career has been founded on the Oslerian ideals of medical excellence, humane and ethical care, commitment to medical humanities and writing, research, and harmony between the academician and medical practitioner. These characteristics were exemplified by the life of Sir William Osler, who is revered worldwide as the "Father of Modern American Medicine."

Science and Engineering Fair of Houston -- The HAM sponsors the Science and Engineering Fair of Houston, offering its member physicians, residents, and medical students the chance to participate as judges during the event.

Community Health -- Located on our Community Health Resources webpage, HAM provides physicians and the community with information on volunteer health organizations, government resources, and current public health issues.

Food is Medicine Program -- Working with entities across Harris County, the Houston Academy of Medicine aims to provide vital information on proper nutrition to prevent common diet-related illnesses like diabetes or heart disease to patients across the County.