Grow your business via exclusive access to physicians and enhanced visibility

The Friends of the Society program offers companies a unique blueprint to a customized marketing plan that will reach the physicians of the largest county medical society in the nation.  With over 15,000 members and close to 7,500 of them being practicing physicians, HCMS makes up 25 percent of the Texas Medical Association.

HCMS offers two levels of participation to suite your budget and needs. Silver is the base level of participation ($5,500), and Gold ($7,500) is our second tier level offering a higher degree of recognition and additional exclusive benefits. 

Silver and Gold level memberships include the following benefits:

  • Additional access and visibility to members, not offered outside of this program. This includes access to the HCMS mailing labels program and much more.
  • Preferred registration to all venues and preferred pricing to select venues.
  • Limited non-competing environment at meetings.
  • Visibility to the HCMS leadership, including HCMS Executive Board

Gold level membership includes the following additional exclusive benefits:

  • Enhanced visibility;
  • A complimentary set of Friends DocList Mailing Labels;
  • A complimentary second tier HCMS website ad, featured for at least one month on the Benefits of Membership, Physician Directories and Young Physician web pages; and an
  • Opportunity to give a two minute announcement on products and services offered by your company at the annual Young Physician Organization meeting (with a confirmed meeting Sponsorship).
All program fees, except $250, can be used by each Friend towards any advertising venues of their choice, thereby enabling each company to create a marketing plan that suits its needs. 

Friends at both levels enjoy unique visibility not available outside the program. Below is a limited list.

  • Friends are listed on signage in the HCMS executive offices. This same signage is featured at the annual Business Expo. Friends are recognized at various in-person and virtual events by the ribbons they wear on their name tags and introductory remarks by society leaders. 
  • Once a year, Friends meet to network with one another and to discuss best practices in marketing, as well as develop referring relationships with other businesses committed to this market space.
  • HCMS promotes Friends of the Society prominently on the home page of our HCMS website. Our home page averages 6,000 unique visitors per month.
  • Friends also are recognized in our online Buyers Guide.
  • Friends are recognized in the Physician Newsletter bi-annually, with a circulation of more than 9,500;
  • Friends are featured in the HCMS Annual Report, which is circulated among the HCMS leadership.

The Friends of the Society program is a great opportunity to maximize your advertising dollars and reach more physicians than ever before. Click for the Friends of the Society contract form , which includes a summary of the Silver and Gold level benefits and an event list to help you with your planning. Applications are accepted each year between June 15 - July 15 and December 15 - January 15.

Want to know who the current Friends are? Click here to find out.

For more information contact Ahuva Terk at 713-524-4267, ext. 329 or