Buyers Guide Advertising

Build your brand and stay visible year round!

The Buyer's Guide is featured on our HCMS website and is a valuable resource for our 7,500 physician members. The Guide includes a variety of businesses that provide products and services to meet our members' professional and personal needs. 

Below are some great reasons to include your company in the Guide.

  • The Guide is used as our referral source for physicians calling the Society for products and services.
  • The Guide is promoted throughout the year across all communication platforms to HCMS membership and their staff.
  • Listings are organized by product category. 
  • Listings are added to the Guide within 72 hours of receiving contract and deposit.
  • Listings include business name, description of products/services, company logo, and contact information which links to your website and email address.  
  • Cost of listing: $520 for 12 months ($43.40 per month) and includes placement in up to two categories. 

» Join the HCMS referral source by completing the Buyer's Guide contract form today.